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Data validation with CHECK constraints (PostgreSQL)


This page explains how to configure check constraints in a PostgreSQL database. A check constraint is a condition that must be satisfied before a value can be saved to a table - for example, the discounted price of a product must always be less than the original price.

Check constraints can be added when you create the table (using CREATE TABLE) or to a table that already exists (using ALTER TABLE). This guide covers all four combinations.

At the end of the guide, you'll introspect your database, generate a Prisma Client, and write a simple Node.js script to validate the constraints.


In order to follow this guide, you need:

  • a PostgreSQL database server running
  • the createdb command line utility
  • the psql command line client for PostgreSQL
  • Node.js installed on your machine

1. Create a new database and project directory

Start by creating a project directory for the files that you'll create throughout this guide. Open terminal or command line and run the following commands:

mkdir check-demo
cd check-demo

Next, make sure that your PostgreSQL database server is running. Authenticate the default postgres user:

Unix (bash):

sudo -u postgres

Windows (command line):

psql -U postgres

Then execute the following command in your terminal to create a new database called CheckDemo:

Unix (bash):

createdb CheckDemo

Windows (command line):

create database CheckDemo;
\connect CheckDemo

Tip: Remember the trailing ;! postgres=# postgres-#

You can validate that the database was created by running the \dt command which lists all tables (relations) in your database (right now there are none):

Unix (bash):

psql -d CheckDemo -c "\dt"

Windows (command line):

-d CheckDemo -c \dt

2. Adding a table with a single check constraint on a single column

In this section, you'll create a new table with a single check constraint on a single column in the CheckDemo database.

Create a new file named single-column-check-constraint.sql and add the following code to it:

CREATE TABLE "public"."product" (
price NUMERIC CONSTRAINT price_value_check CHECK (price > 0.01 AND price <> 1240.00)
ALTER TABLE "public"."product"
ADD COLUMN "productid" serial,
ADD PRIMARY KEY ("productid");

Now run the SQL statement against your database to create a new table called product:

Unix (bash):

psql CheckDemo < single-column-check-constraint.sql

Windows (command line):

\i 'c:/checkdemo/single-column-check-constraint.sql'

Congratulations, you just created a table called product in the database. The table has one column called price, which has a single check constraint that ensures price of a product is:

  • Never less than 0.01
  • Never equal to 1240.00

Run the following command to see the a list of check constraints that apply to the product table:

\d+ product

You will see the following output, which includes a list of all check constraints:

Table "public.product"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
price | numeric | | | | main | |
Check constraints:
"price_value_check" CHECK (price > 0.01 AND price <> 1240.00)

Note that PostgreSQL will auto-generate a constraint name if you do not provide one. For example, the constraint created by price NUMERIC CHECK (price > 0.01 AND price <> 1240.00) would be price_check.

3. Adding a table with a multi-column check constraint

Next, you'll create a table with a multi-column check constraint that compares the values of two columns.

Create a new file named multi-column-check-constraint.sql and add the following code to it:

CREATE TABLE "public"."anotherproduct" (
reducedprice NUMERIC CONSTRAINT reduced_price_check CHECK (price > reducedprice),
ALTER TABLE "public"."anotherproduct"
ADD COLUMN "productid" serial,
ADD PRIMARY KEY ("productid");

Now run the SQL statement against your database to create a new table called anotherproduct:

Unix (bash):

psql CheckDemo < multi-column-check-constraint.sql

Windows (command line):

\i 'c:/checkdemo/multi-column-check-constraint.sql'

Congratulations, you just created a table called anotherproduct in the database. The table has two columns called reducedprice and price. The reducedprice column has a check constraint that ensures that the value of reducedprice is always less than the value of price.

4. Adding a table with multiple check constraints

Next, you'll create a table with multiple check constraint on different columns.

Create a new file named multiple-check-constraints.sql and add the following code to it:

  CREATE TABLE "public"."secondtolastproduct" (
reducedprice NUMERIC CONSTRAINT reduced_price_check CHECK (price > reducedprice),
price NUMERIC,
tags TEXT[] CONSTRAINT tags_contains_product CHECK ('product' = ANY(tags))
ALTER TABLE "public"."secondtolastproduct"
ADD COLUMN "productid" serial,
ADD PRIMARY KEY ("productid");

Now run the SQL statement against your database to create a new table called secondtolastproduct:

Unix (bash):

psql CheckDemo < multiple-check-constraints.sql

Windows (command line):

\i 'c:/checkdemo/multiple-check-constraints.sql'

Congratulations, you just created a table called lastproduct in the database. The table has three columns named reducedprice, price and tags, and the following check constraints:

  • The tags column (which is an array) must contain a tag named product
  • The value of reducedprice must be less than the value of price

5. Adding a check constraint to an existing table

In this section, you'll add a check constraint to a table that already exists in your database. To do so, you first need to create a new table and then alter the table to add the constraint.

Create a new file named add-single-check-constraint-later.sql and add the following code:

CREATE TABLE "public"."lastproduct" (
category TEXT

ALTER TABLE "public"."lastproduct"
ADD CONSTRAINT "category_not_clothing" CHECK (category <> 'clothing');

This code contains two SQL statements:

  1. Create a new table called lastproduct
  2. Alter the table to add a check constraint named price_not_zero_constraint

Now run the SQL statements against your database to create a new table called lastproduct:

Unix (bash):

psql CheckDemo < add-single-check-constraint-later.sql

Windows (command line):

\i 'c:/checkdemo/add-single-check-constraint-later.sql'

Congratulations, you just created a table called lastproduct in the database with a single column called price. You added constraint named price_not_zero_constraint to with a second SQL command, which ensures that the price of a product is never less than 0.01.

6. Introspect your database with Prisma ORM

In the previous sections, you created four tables with different check constraints:

  • The product table has a check constraint that ensures that the value of price is never less than 0.01 and never exactly 1240.00.
  • The anotherproduct table has a check constraint that ensures that the value of reducedprice is never greater than the value of price.
  • The secondtolastproduct table has two check constraints - one that ensures that the value of reducedprice is never greater than the value of price, and one that ensures that the tags array always contains the value product.
  • The lastproduct table has a check constraint that ensures that the value of category is never clothing.

In this section you'll introspect your database to generate the Prisma models for these tables.

Note: Check constraints are currently not included in the generated Prisma schema - however, the underlying database still enforces the constraints.

To start, set up a new Node.js project and add the prisma CLI as a development dependency:

npm init -y
npm install prisma --save-dev

In order to introspect your database, you need to tell Prisma ORM how to connect to it. You do so by configuring a datasource in your Prisma schema.

Create a new file named schema.prisma and add the following code to it:

datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")

The database connection URL is set via an environment variable. The Prisma CLI automatically supports the dotenv format which automatically picks up environment variables defined in a file named .env.

Create a new file named .env and set your database connection URL as the DATABASE_URL environment variable:


In the above code snippet, you need to replace the uppercase placeholders with your own connection details. For example, if your database is running locally it could look like this:


With both the schema.prisma and .env files in place, you can run Prisma ORM's introspection with the following command:

npx prisma db pull

This command introspects your database and for each table adds a Prisma model to the Prisma schema:

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"

datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")

model anotherproduct {
price Float?
productid Int @id
reducedprice Float?

model lastproduct {
category String?
productid Int @id

model product {
price Float?
productid Int @id

model secondtolastproduct {
price Float?
productid Int @id
reducedprice Float?
tags String[]

7. Generate Prisma Client

To validate whether the check constraints work, you'll now generate Prisma Client and send a few sample queries to the database.

First, add a generator block to your Prisma schema (typically added right below the datasource block):

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"

Run the following command to install and generate Prisma Client in your project:

npx prisma generate

Now you can use Prisma Client to send database queries in Node.js.

8. Validate the check constraints in a Node.js script

Create a new file named index.js and add the following code to it:

const { PrismaClient } = require('@prisma/client')

const prisma = new PrismaClient()

async function main() {
const newProduct = await prisma.product.create({
data: {
price: 0.0,



In this code, you're creating a product with a price of 0.00, which does not meet the check constraint configured for the price column.

Run the code with this command:

node index.js

The script throws an error indicating that the price_check_value check constraint was not met:

Error occurred during query execution:
ConnectorError(ConnectorError { user_facing_error: None, kind: QueryError(Error { kind: Db, cause: Some(DbError { severity: "ERROR", parsed_severity: Some(Error), code: SqlState("23514"), message: "new row for relation \"product\" violates check constraint \"price_value_check\"", detail: Some("Failing row contains (0, 11)."), hint: None, position: None, where_: None, schema: Some("public"), table: Some("product"), column: None, datatype: None, constraint: Some("price_value_check"), file: Some("d:\\\\\\src\\backend\\executor\\execmain.c"), line: Some(2023), routine: Some("ExecConstraints") }) }) })

To validate the multi-column check constraint, replace the code in index.js with the following:

const { PrismaClient } = require('@prisma/client')

const prisma = new PrismaClient()

async function main() {
const newProduct = await prisma.anotherproduct.create({
data: {
price: 50.0,
reducedprice: 100.0,



In this code, you're creating a product where the reduced price is higher than the actual price.

Run the script again with this command:

node index.js

This time, you'll see a similar error message indicating the reduce_price_check check constraint was not met:

ConnectorError(ConnectorError { user_facing_error: None, kind: QueryError(Error { kind: Db, cause: Some(DbError { severity: "ERROR", parsed_severity: Some(Error), code: SqlState("23514"), message: "new row for relation \"anotherproduct\" violates check constraint \"reduced_price_check\"", detail: Some("Failing row contains (100, 50, 1)."), hint: None, position: None, where_: None, schema: Some("public"), table: Some("anotherproduct"), column: None, datatype: None, constraint: Some("reduced_price_check"), file: Some("d:\\\\\\src\\backend\\executor\\execmain.c"), line: Some(2023), routine: Some("ExecConstraints") }) }) })
at PrismaClientFetcher.request (C:\Work\Personal\prisma-check-constraint\node_modules\@prisma\client\index.js:89:17)

Finally, modify the script to include multiple check constraint violations:

const { PrismaClient } = require('@prisma/client')

const prisma = new PrismaClient()

async function main() {
const newProduct = await prisma.secondtolastproduct.create({
data: {
tags: {
set: ['wrongtag'],
price: 90.0,
reducedprice: 100.0,



In this code, you're creating a product where the reduced price is higher than the actual price, and omitting the required product tag.

Run the script again with this command:

node index.js

Notice that the error message only mentions the reduced_price_check constraint:

ConnectorError(ConnectorError { user_facing_error: None, kind: QueryError(Error { kind: Db, cause: Some(DbError { severity: "ERROR", parsed_severity: Some(Error), code: SqlState("23514"), message: "new row for relation \"secondtolastproduct\" violates check constraint \"reduced_price_check\"", detail: Some("Failing row contains (100, 90, {wrongtag}, 7)."), hint: None, position: None, where_: None, schema: Some("public"), table: Some("secondtolastproduct"), column: None, datatype: None, constraint: Some("reduced_price_check"), file: Some("d:\\\\\\src\\backend\\executor\\execmain.c"), line: Some(2023), routine: Some("ExecConstraints") }) }) })

Check constraints are resolved in alphabetical order, and only the first constraint to fail appears in the error message.