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Prisma Client API reference

The Prisma Client API reference documentation is based on the following schema:

model User {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
name String?
email String @unique
profileViews Int @default(0)
role Role @default(USER)
coinflips Boolean[]
posts Post[]
city String
country String
profile ExtendedProfile?
pets Json

model ExtendedProfile {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
userId Int? @unique
bio String?
User User? @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])

model Post {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
title String
published Boolean @default(true)
author User @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
authorId Int
comments Json
views Int @default(0)
likes Int @default(0)

enum Role {

All example generated types (such as UserSelect and UserWhereUniqueInput) are based on the User model.


This section describes the PrismaClient constructor and its parameters.


  • Parameters are validated at runtime.


Programmatically overrides properties of the datasource block in the schema.prisma file - for example, as part of an integration test. See also: Data sources

From version 5.2.0 and upwards, you can also use the datasourceUrl property to programmatically override the database connection string.


Example propertyExample valueDescription
db{ url: 'file:./dev_qa.db' }The database connection URL.


  • You must re-generate Prisma Client each time you add or rename a data source. Datasource names are included in the generated client.
  • If you named your datasource block something else in the schema, replace db with the name of your datasource block.


Programmatically override a datasource url
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'

const prisma = new PrismaClient({
datasources: {
db: {
url: 'file:./dev_qa.db',

Based on the following datasource block:

datasource db {
provider = "sqlite"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")


Programmatically overrides the datasource block in the schema.prisma file.


OptionExample valueDescription
Database connection string'file:./dev_qa.db'The database connection URL.


import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'

const prisma = new PrismaClient({
datasourceUrl: 'postgresql://johndoe:randompassword@localhost:5432/mydb',


Determines the type and level of logging. See also: Logging


Array of log levels[ "info", "query" ]
Array of log definitions[ { level: "info", emit: "event" }, { level: "warn", emit: "stdout" }]
Log levels
queryLogs all queries run by Prisma.

For relational databases this logs all SQL queries. Example:
prisma:query SELECT "public"."User"."id", "public"."User"."email" FROM "public"."User" WHERE ("public"."User"."id") IN (SELECT "t0"."id" FROM "public"."User" AS "t0" INNER JOIN "public"."Post" AS "j0" ON ("j0"."authorId") = ("t0"."id") WHERE ("j0"."views" > $1 AND "t0"."id" IS NOT NULL)) OFFSET $2

For MongoDB this logs queries using the mongosh shell format. Example:
prisma:query db.User.deleteMany({ _id: ( $in: [ “6221ce49f756b0721fc00542”, ], }, })
prisma:info Started http server on
Emit formats
stdoutSee: stdout
eventRaises an event that you can subscribe to.
Event types

The query event type:

export type QueryEvent = {
timestamp: Date
query: string // Query sent to the database
params: string // Query parameters
duration: number // Time elapsed (in milliseconds) between client issuing query and database responding - not only time taken to run query
target: string

Note that for MongoDB, the params and duration fields will be undefined.

All other log level event types:

export type LogEvent = {
timestamp: Date
message: string
target: string


Log query and info to stdout
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'

const prisma = new PrismaClient({ log: ['query', 'info'] })

async function main() {
const countUsers = await prisma.user.count({})

.then(async () => {
await prisma.$disconnect()
.catch(async (e) => {
await prisma.$disconnect()
Show CLI results
Log a query event to console
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'

const prisma = new PrismaClient({
log: [{ level: 'query', emit: 'event' }],

prisma.$on('query', (e) => {

async function main() {
const countUsers = await prisma.user.count({})

.then(async () => {
await prisma.$disconnect()
.catch(async (e) => {
await prisma.$disconnect()
Show CLI results
Log info, warn, and error events to console
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'

const prisma = new PrismaClient({
log: [
{ level: 'warn', emit: 'event' },
{ level: 'info', emit: 'event' },
{ level: 'error', emit: 'event' },

prisma.$on('warn', (e) => {

prisma.$on('info', (e) => {

prisma.$on('error', (e) => {

async function main() {
const countUsers = await prisma.user.count({})

.then(async () => {
await prisma.$disconnect()
.catch(async (e) => {
await prisma.$disconnect()
Show CLI results


Determines the level and formatting of errors returned by Prisma Client.

Error formats

undefinedIf it's not defined, the default is colorless.
prettyEnables pretty error formatting.
colorless (default)Enables colorless error formatting.
minimalEnables minimal error formatting.


No error formatting
const prisma = new PrismaClient({
// Defaults to colorless
pretty error formatting
const prisma = new PrismaClient({
errorFormat: 'pretty',
colorless error formatting
const prisma = new PrismaClient({
errorFormat: 'colorless',
minimal error formatting
const prisma = new PrismaClient({
errorFormat: 'minimal',


Defines an instance of a driver adapter. See also Database drivers .


This is available from version 5.4.0 and newer behind the driverAdapters feature flag.


The example below uses the Neon driver adapter

import { Pool, neonConfig } from '@neondatabase/serverless'
import { PrismaNeon } from '@prisma/adapter-neon'
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
import dotenv from 'dotenv'
import ws from 'ws'

neonConfig.webSocketConstructor = ws
const connectionString = `${process.env.DATABASE_URL}`

const pool = new Pool({ connectionString })
const adapter = new PrismaNeon(pool)
const prisma = new PrismaClient({ adapter })



Note: rejectOnNotFound was removed in v5.0.0.

Deprecated: rejectOnNotFound is deprecated in v4.0.0. From v4.0.0, use the queries findUniqueOrThrow or findFirstOrThrow.

Use the rejectOnNotFound parameter to configure findUnique() and/or findFirst to throw an error if the record was not found. By default, both operations return null if the record is not found.



RejectOnNotFoundEnable globally (true / false) or throw a custom error.
RejectPerOperationEnable per operation (true / false) or throw a custom error per operation, per model.


Enable globally for findUnique() and findFirst
const prisma = new PrismaClient({
rejectOnNotFound: true,
Enable globally for a specific operation
const prisma = new PrismaClient({
rejectOnNotFound: {
findUnique: true,
Throw a custom error per model and operation if record is not found
const prisma = new PrismaClient({
rejectOnNotFound: {
findFirst: {
User: (err) => new Error('User error'),
Post: (err) => new Error('Post error!'),
findUnique: {
User: (err) => new Error('User error'),
Post: (err) => new Error('Post error!'),



Note: transactionOptions was introduced in v5.10.0.

Allows to set transaction options globally on the constructor level.


  • The transaction levels can be overridden on a per-transaction level.


maxWaitThe maximum amount of time Prisma Client will wait to acquire a transaction from the database. The default value is 2 seconds.
timeoutThe maximum amount of time the interactive transaction can run before being canceled and rolled back. The default value is 5 seconds.
isolationLevelSets the transaction isolation level. By default this is set to the value currently configured in your database. The available can vary depending on the database you use.


const prisma = new PrismaClient({
transactionOptions: {
isolationLevel: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel.Serializable,
maxWait: 5000, // default: 2000
timeout: 10000, // default: 5000

Model queries

Use model queries to perform CRUD operations on your models. See also: CRUD


findUnique() query lets you retrieve a single database record:

  • By ID
  • By a unique attribute

findUnique() replaced findOne in version 2.12.0.


  • Prisma Client's dataloader automatically batches findUnique() queries with the same select and where parameters.
  • If you want the query to throw an error if the record is not found, then consider using findUniqueOrThrow instead.
  • You cannot use filter conditions (e.g. equals, contains, not) to filter fields of the JSON data type. Using filter conditions will likely result in a null response for that field.


NameExample type (User)RequiredDescription
whereUserWhereUniqueInputYesWraps all unique fields of a model so that individual records can be selected.
From version 4.5.0, this type wraps all fields of a model. Learn more
selectXOR<UserSelect, null>NoSpecifies which properties to include on the returned object.
includeXOR<UserInclude, null>NoSpecifies which relations should be eagerly loaded on the returned object.
omitXOR<UserOmit, null>NoSpecifies which properties to exclude on the returned object. In Preview since 5.13.0
relationLoadStrategy'join' or 'query'NoDefault: join. Specifies the load strategy for a relation query. Only available in combination with include (or select on a relation field). In Preview since 5.9.0.
rejectOnNotFound (deprecated)RejectOnNotFoundNoIf true, throw a NotFoundError: No User found error. You can also configure rejectOnNotFound globally.
Note: rejectOnNotFoundis deprecated in v4.0.0. From v4.0.0, use findUniqueOrThrow instead.

Return type

Return typeExampleDescription
JavaScript object (typed)User
JavaScript object (plain){ title: "Hello world" }Use select and include to determine which fields to return.
nullnullRecord not found
ErrorIf rejectOnNotFound is true, findUnique() throws an error (NotFoundError by default, customizable globally) instead of returning null.


Get the User record with an id of 42
const result = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {
id: 42,
Get the User record with an email of
const result = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {
email: '',
Get the User record with firstName of Alice and lastName of Smith (@@unique)
Expand for example User model with a @@unique block
model User {
firstName String
lastName String

@@unique(fields: [firstName, lastName], name: "fullname")
const result = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {
fullname: {
// name property of @@unique attribute - default is firstname_lastname
firstName: 'Alice',
lastName: 'Smith',
Get the User record with firstName of Alice and lastName of Smith (@@id)
Expand for example User model with an @@id block
model User {
firstName String
lastName String

@@id([firstName, lastName])
const result = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {
firstName_lastName: {
firstName: 'Alice',
lastName: 'Smith',



We introduced findUniqueOrThrow in v4.0.0. It replaces the rejectOnNotFound option. rejectOnNotFound is deprecated in v4.0.0.

findUniqueOrThrow retrieves a single data record in the same way as findUnique(). However, if the query does not find a record, it returns NotFoundError: No User found error.

findUniqueOrThrow differs from findUnique() as follows:

  • Its return type is non-nullable. For example, post.findUnique() can return post or null, but post.findUniqueOrThrow() always returns post.

  • It is not compatible with sequential operations in the $transaction API. If the query returns NotFoundError, then the API will not roll back any operations in the array of calls. As a workaround, you can use interactive transactions with the $transaction API, as follows:

     $transaction(async (prisma) => {
    await prisma.model.create({ data: { ... });
    await prisma.model.findUniqueOrThrow();


findFirst returns the first record in a list that matches your criteria.


  • If you want the query to throw an error if the record is not found, then consider using findFirstOrThrow instead.


NameExample type (User)RequiredDescription
selectXOR<UserSelect, null>NoSpecifies which properties to include on the returned object.
includeXOR<UserInclude, null>NoSpecifies which relations should be eagerly loaded on the returned object.
omitXOR<UserOmit, null>NoSpecifies which properties to exclude on the returned object. In Preview since 5.13.0.
relationLoadStrategy'join' or 'query'NoDefault: join. Specifies the load strategy for a relation query. Only available in combination with include (or select on a relation field). In Preview since 5.9.0.
whereUserWhereInputNoWraps all model fields in a type so that the list can be filtered by any property.
NoLets you order the returned list by any property.
cursorUserWhereUniqueInputNoSpecifies the position for the list (the value typically specifies an id or another unique value).
takenumberNoSpecifies how many objects should be returned in the list. When used with findFirst, take is implicitly 1 or -1. findFirst is only affected by whether the value is positive or negative - any negative value reverses the list.
skipnumberNoSpecifies how many of the returned objects in the list should be skipped.
NoLets you filter out duplicate rows by a specific field - for example, return only distinct Post titles.
rejectOnNotFound (deprecated)RejectOnNotFoundNoIf true, throw a NotFoundError: No User found error. You can also configure rejectOnNotFound globally.
Note: rejectOnNotFoundis deprecated in v4.0.0. From v4.0.0, use findFirstOrThrow instead.

Return type

Return typeExampleDescription
JavaScript object (typed)UserSpecifies which properties to include on the returned object.
JavaScript object (plain){ title: "Hello world" }Use select and include to determine which fields to return.
nullnullRecord not found
ErrorIf rejectOnNotFound is true, findUnique() throws an error (NotFoundError by default, customizable globally) instead of returning null.


  • findFirst calls findMany behind the scenes and accepts the same query options.
  • Passing in a negative take value when you use a findFirst query reverses the order of the list.


See Filter conditions and operators for examples of how to filter results.

Get the first User record where the name is Alice
const user = await prisma.user.findFirst({
where: { name: 'Alice' },
Get the first Post record where the title starts with A test, reverse the list with take
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'

const prisma = new PrismaClient({})

async function main() {
const a = await{
data: {
title: 'A test 1',

const b = await{
data: {
title: 'A test 2',

const c = await{
where: {
title: {
startsWith: 'A test',
orderBy: {
title: 'asc',
take: -1, // Reverse the list




We introduced findFirstOrThrow in v4.0.0. It replaces the rejectOnNotFound option. rejectOnNotFound is deprecated in v4.0.0.

findFirstOrThrow retrieves the first record in a list in the same way as findFirst. However, if the query does not find a record, it returns NotFoundError: No User found error.

findFirstOrThrow differs from findFirst as follows:

  • Its return type is non-nullable. For example, post.findFirst() can return post or null, but post.findFirstOrThrow always returns post.

  • It is not compatible with sequential operations in the $transaction API. If the query returns NotFoundError, then the API will not roll back any operations in the array of calls. As a workaround, you can use interactive transactions with the $transaction API, as follows:

    prisma.$transaction(async (tx) => {
    await tx.model.create({ data: { ... });
    await tx.model.findFirstOrThrow();


findMany returns a list of records.


selectXOR<PostSelect, null>NoSpecifies which properties to include on the returned object.
includeXOR<PostInclude, null>NoSpecifies which relations should be eagerly loaded on the returned object.
omitXOR<PostOmit, null>NoSpecifies which properties to exclude on the returned object. In Preview since 5.13.0
relationLoadStrategy'join' or 'query'NoDefault: join. Specifies the load strategy for a relation query. Only available in combination with include (or select on a relation field). In Preview since 5.9.0.
whereUserWhereInputNoWraps all model fields in a type so that the list can be filtered by any property.
ByInput>, PostOrderByInput>
NoLets you order the returned list by any property.
cursorUserWhereUniqueInputNoSpecifies the position for the list (the value typically specifies an id or another unique value).
takenumberNoSpecifies how many objects should be returned in the list (as seen from the beginning (positive value) or end (negative value) either of the list or from the cursor position if mentioned)
skipnumberNoSpecifies how many of the returned objects in the list should be skipped.
distinctEnumerable<UserDistinctFieldEnum>NoLets you filter out duplicate rows by a specific field - for example, return only distinct Post titles.

Return type

Return typeExampleDescription
JavaScript array object (typed)User[]
JavaScript array object (plain)[{ title: "Hello world" }]Use select and include to determine which fields to return.
Empty array[]No matching records found.


See Filter conditions and operators for examples of how to filter results.

Get all User records where the name is Alice
const user = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: { name: 'Alice' },


create creates a new database record.


YesWraps all the model fields in a type so that they can be provided when creating new records. It also includes relation fields which lets you perform (transactional) nested inserts. Fields that are marked as optional or have default values in the datamodel are optional.
selectXOR<UserSelect, null>NoSpecifies which properties to include on the returned object.
includeXOR<UserInclude, null>NoSpecifies which relations should be eagerly loaded on the returned object.
omitXOR<UserOmit, null>NoSpecifies which properties to exclude on the returned object. In Preview since 5.13.0
relationLoadStrategy'join' or 'query'NoDefault: join. Specifies the load strategy for a relation query. Only available in combination with include (or select on a relation field). In Preview since 5.9.0.

Return type

Return typeExampleDescription
JavaScript object (typed)User
JavaScript object (plain){ name: "Alice Wonderland" }Use select and include to determine which fields to return.


  • You can also perform a nested create - for example, add a User and two Post records at the same time.


Create a single new record with the only required field email
const user = await prisma.user.create({
data: { email: '' },
Create multiple new records

In most cases, you can carry out batch inserts with the createMany() or createManyAndReturn() queries. However, there are scenarios where create() is the best option to insert multiple records.

The following example results in two INSERT statements:

import { Prisma, PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'

const prisma = new PrismaClient({ log: ['query'] })

async function main() {
let users: Prisma.UserCreateInput[] = [
email: '',
name: 'Ari',
profileViews: 20,
coinflips: [true, false, false],
role: 'ADMIN',
email: '',
name: 'Elsa',
profileViews: 20,
coinflips: [true, false, false],
role: 'ADMIN',

await Promise.all( (user) => {
await prisma.user.create({
data: user,

.then(async () => {
await prisma.$disconnect()
.catch(async (e) => {
await prisma.$disconnect()
Show CLI results
prisma:query BEGIN
prisma:query INSERT INTO "public"."User" ("name","email","profileViews","role","coinflips") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5) RETURNING "public"."User"."id"
prisma:query SELECT "public"."User"."id", "public"."User"."name", "public"."User"."email", "public"."User"."profileViews", "public"."User"."role", "public"."User"."coinflips" FROM "public"."User" WHERE "public"."User"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2 OFFSET $3
prisma:query INSERT INTO "public"."User" ("name","email","profileViews","role","coinflips") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5) RETURNING "public"."User"."id"
prisma:query COMMIT
prisma:query SELECT "public"."User"."id", "public"."User"."name", "public"."User"."email", "public"."User"."profileViews", "public"."User"."role", "public"."User"."coinflips" FROM "public"."User" WHERE "public"."User"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2 OFFSET $3
prisma:query COMMIT


update updates an existing database record.


YesWraps all the fields of the model so that they can be provided when updating an existing record. Fields that are marked as optional or have default values in the datamodel are optional.
whereUserWhereUniqueInputYesWraps all unique fields of a model so that individual records can be selected.
From version 4.5.0, this type wraps all fields of a model. Learn more
selectXOR<UserSelect, null>NoSpecifies which properties to include on the returned object.
includeXOR<UserInclude, null>NoSpecifies which relations should be eagerly loaded on the returned object.
omitXOR<UserOmit, null>NoSpecifies which properties to exclude on the returned object. In Preview since 5.13.0.
relationLoadStrategy'join' or 'query'NoDefault: join. Specifies the load strategy for a relation query. Only available in combination with include (or select on a relation field). In Preview since 5.9.0.

Return type

Return typeExampleDescription
JavaScript object (typed)User
JavaScript object (plain){ name: "Alice Wonderland" }Use select and include to determine which fields to return.
RecordNotFound exceptionException is thrown if record does not exist.


  • To perform arithmetic operations on update (add, subtract, multiply, divide), use atomic updates to prevent race conditions.
  • You can also perform a nested update - for example, update a user and that user's posts at the same time.


Update the email of the User record with id of 1 to
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: { id: 1 },
data: { email: '' },



This section covers the usage of the upsert() operation. To learn about using nested upsert queries within update(), reference the linked documentation.

upsert does the following:

  • If an existing database record satisfies the where condition, it updates that record
  • If no database record satisfies the where condition, it creates a new database record


YesWraps all the fields of the model so that they can be provided when creating new records. It also includes relation fields which lets you perform (transactional) nested inserts. Fields that are marked as optional or have default values in the datamodel are optional.
YesWraps all the fields of the model so that they can be provided when updating an existing record. Fields that are marked as optional or have default values in the datamodel are optional.
whereUserWhereUniqueInputYesWraps all unique fields of a model so that individual records can be selected.
From version 4.5.0, this type wraps all fields of a model. Learn more
selectXOR<UserSelect, null>NoSpecifies which properties to include on the returned object.
includeXOR<UserInclude, null>NoSpecifies which relations should be eagerly loaded on the returned object.
omitXOR<UserOmit, null>NoSpecifies which properties to exclude on the returned object. In Preview since 5.13.0
relationLoadStrategy'join' or 'query'NoDefault: join. Specifies the load strategy for a relation query. Only available in combination with include (or select on a relation field). In Preview since 5.9.0.

Return type

Return typeExampleDescription
JavaScript object (typed)User
JavaScript object (plain){ name: "Alice Wonderland" }Use select and include to determine which fields to return.


  • To perform arithmetic operations on update (add, subtract, multiply, divide), use atomic updates to prevent race conditions.
  • If two or more upsert operations happen at the same time and the record doesn't already exist, then a race condition might happen. As a result, one or more of the upsert operations might throw a unique key constraint error. Your application code can catch this error and retry the operation. Learn more.
  • From version 4.6.0, Prisma ORM hands over upsert queries to the database where possible. Learn more.


Update (if exists) or create a new User record with an email of
const user = await prisma.user.upsert({
where: { id: 1 },
update: { email: '' },
create: { email: '' },

Unique key constraint errors on upserts


If multiple upsert operations happen at the same time and the record doesn't already exist, then one or more of the operations might return a unique key constraint error.


When Prisma Client does an upsert, it first checks whether that record already exists in the database. To make this check, Prisma Client performs a read operation with the where clause from the upsert operation. This has two possible outcomes, as follows:

  • If the record does not exist, then Prisma Client creates that record.
  • If the record exists, then Prisma Client updates it.

When your application tries to perform two or more concurrent upsert operations, then a race condition might happen where two or more operations do not find the record and therefore try to create that record. In this situation, one of the operations successfully creates the new record but the other operations fail and return a unique key constraint error.


Handle the P2002 error in your application code. When it occurs, retry the upsert operation to update the row.

Database upserts

Where possible, Prisma Client hands over an upsert query to the database. This is called a database upsert.

Database upserts have the following advantages:

Prisma Client uses a database upsert automatically when specific criteria are met. When these criteria are not met, Prisma Client handles the upsert.

To use a database upsert, Prisma Client sends the SQL construction INSERT ... ON CONFLICT SET .. WHERE to the database.

Database upsert prerequisites

Prisma Client can use database upserts if your stack meets the following criteria:

  • You use Prisma ORM version 4.6.0 or later
  • Your application uses a CockroachDB, PostgreSQL, or SQLite data source
Database upsert query criteria

Prisma Client uses a database upsert for an upsert query when the query meets the following criteria:

  • There are no nested queries in the upsert's create and update options
  • The query does not include a selection that uses a nested read
  • The query modifies only one model
  • There is only one unique field in the upsert's where option
  • The unique field in the where option and the unique field in the create option have the same value

If your query does not meet these criteria, then Prisma Client handles the upsert itself.

Database upsert examples

The following examples use this schema:

model User {
id Int @id
profileViews Int
userName String @unique
email String

@@unique([id, profileViews])

The following upsert query meets all of the criteria, so Prisma Client uses a database upsert.

where: {
userName: 'Alice',
create: {
id: 1,
profileViews: 1,
userName: 'Alice',
email: '',
update: {
email: '',

In this situation, Prisma uses the following SQL query:

INSERT INTO "public"."User" ("id","profileViews","userName","email") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)
SET "email" = $5 WHERE ("public"."User"."userName" = $6 AND 1=1) RETURNING "public"."User"."id", "public"."User"."profileViews", "public"."User"."userName", "public"."User"."email"

The following query has multiple unique values in the where clause, so Prisma Client does not use a database upsert:

where: {
userName: 'Alice',
profileViews: 1,
id: 1,
create: {
id: 1,
profileViews: 1,
userName: 'Alice',
email: '',
update: {
email: '',

In the following query, the values for userName in the where and create options are different, so Prisma Client does not use a database upsert.

where: {
userName: 'Alice',
create: {
id: 1,
profileViews: 1,
userName: 'AliceS',
email: '',
update: {
email: '',

In the following query, the selection on the title field in posts is a nested read, so Prisma Client does not use a database upsert.

select: {
email: true,
id: true,
posts: {
select: {
title: true,
where: {
userName: 'Alice',

create: {
id: 1,
profileViews: 1,
userName: 'Alice',
email: '',
update: {
email: '',


delete deletes an existing database record. You can delete a record:

  • By ID
  • By a unique attribute

To delete records that match a certain criteria, use deleteMany with a filter.


whereUserWhereUniqueInputYesWraps all unique fields of a model so that individual records can be selected.
From version 4.5.0, this type wraps all fields of a model. Learn more
selectXOR<UserSelect, null>NoSpecifies which properties to include on the returned object.
includeXOR<UserInclude, null>NoSpecifies which relations should be eagerly loaded on the returned object.
omitXOR<UserOmit, null>NoSpecifies which properties to exclude on the returned object. In Preview since 5.13.0
relationLoadStrategy'join' or 'query'NoDefault: join. Specifies the load strategy for a relation query. Only available in combination with include (or select on a relation field). In Preview since 5.9.0.

Return type

Return typeExampleDescription
JavaScript object (typed)UserThe User record that was deleted.
JavaScript object (plain){ name: "Alice Wonderland" }Data from the User record that was deleted. Use select and include to determine which fields to return.
RecordNotFound exceptionThrows an exception if record does not exist.


  • To delete multiple records based on some criteria (for example, all User records with a email address, use deleteMany)


Delete the User record with an id of 1
const user = await prisma.user.delete({
where: { id: 1 },
Delete the User record where email equals

The following query deletes a specific user record and uses select to return the name and email of the deleted user:

const deleteUser = await prisma.user.delete({
where: {
email: '',
select: {
email: true,
name: true,
Show CLI results
{ "email": "", "name": "Elsa" }


createMany creates multiple records in a transaction.


dataEnumerable<UserCreateManyInput>YesWraps all the model fields in a type so that they can be provided when creating new records. Fields that are marked as optional or have default values in the datamodel are optional.
skipDuplicates?booleanNoDo not insert records with unique fields or ID fields that already exist. Only supported by databases that support ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING. This excludes MongoDB and SQLServer

Return type

Return typeExampleDescription
BatchPayload{ count: 3 }A count of the number of records created.


  • As of Prisma ORM version 5.12.0, createMany() is now supported by SQLite.
  • The skipDuplicates option is not supported by MongoDB, SQLServer, or SQLite.
  • You cannot create or connect relations by using nested create, createMany, connect, connectOrCreate queries inside a top-level createMany() query.
  • You can use a nested createMany query inside an update() or create() query - for example, add a User and two Post records with a nested createMany at the same time.


Create several new users
const users = await prisma.user.createMany({
data: [
{ name: 'Sonali', email: '' },
{ name: 'Alex', email: '' },


createManyAndReturn creates multiple records and returns the resulting objects.


createManyAndReturn() is only available in Prisma ORM version 5.14.0 and up. createManyAndReturn() is only available for PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, and SQLite.


dataEnumerable<UserCreateManyInput>YesWraps all the model fields in a type so that they can be provided when creating new records. Fields that are marked as optional or have default values in the datamodel are optional.
selectXOR<UserSelect, null>NoSpecifies which properties to include on the returned objects.
omitXOR<UserOmit, null>NoSpecifies which properties to exclude on the returned objects. In Preview since 5.13.0. Mutually exclusive with select.
includeXOR<UserInclude, null>NoSpecifies which relations should be eagerly loaded on the returned objects.
skipDuplicates?booleanNoDo not insert records with unique fields or ID fields that already exist. Only supported by databases that support ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING. This excludes MongoDB and SQLServer


  • The skipDuplicates option is not supported by SQLite.
  • You cannot create or connect relations by using nested create, createMany, connect, connectOrCreate queries inside a top-level createManyAndReturn() query.
  • When relations are included via include, a separate query is generated per relation.
  • relationLoadStrategy: join is not supported.

Return type

Return typeExampleDescription
JavaScript array object (typed)User[]
JavaScript array object (plain)[{ name: "Sonali" }]Use select, omit and include to determine which fields to return.


Create and return several new users
const users = await prisma.user.createManyAndReturn({
data: [
{ name: 'Sonali', email: '' },
{ name: 'Alex', email: '' },
Show CLI results
{ "id": 0, "name": "Sonali", "email": "", "profileViews": 0 },
{ "id": 1, "name": "Alex", "email": "", "profileViews": 0 }


updateMany updates a batch of existing database records in bulk and returns the number of updated records.


YesWraps all the fields of the model so that they can be provided when updating an existing record. Fields that are marked as optional or have default values in the datamodel are optional on data.
whereUserWhereInputNoWraps all fields of a model so that the list can be filtered by any property. If you do not filter the list, all records will be updated.

Return type

Return typeExampleDescription
BatchPayload{ count: 4 }The count of updated records.
export type BatchPayload = {
count: number


Update all User records where the name is Alice to ALICE
const updatedUserCount = await prisma.user.updateMany({
where: { name: 'Alice' },
data: { name: 'ALICE' },
Update all User records where the email contains and at least one related Post has more than 10 likes
const updatedUserCount = await prisma.user.updateMany({
where: {
email: {
contains: '',
posts: {
some: {
likes: {
gt: 10,
data: {
role: 'USER',


deleteMany deletes multiple records in a transaction.


whereUserWhereInputNoWraps all fields of a model so that the list can be filtered by any field.

Return type

Return typeExampleDescription
BatchPayload{ count: 4 }The count of deleted records.
export type BatchPayload = {
count: number


Delete all User records
const deletedUserCount = await prisma.user.deleteMany({})
Delete all User records where the name is Alice
const deletedUserCount = await prisma.user.deleteMany({
where: { name: 'Alice' },

See Filter conditions and operators for examples of how to filter the records to delete.



whereUserWhereInputNoWraps all model fields in a type so that the list can be filtered by any property.
ByInput>, PostOrderByInput>
NoLets you order the returned list by any property.
cursorUserWhereUniqueInputNoSpecifies the position for the list (the value typically specifies an id or another unique value).
takenumberNoSpecifies how many objects should be returned in the list (as seen from the beginning (positive value) or end (negative value) either of the list or from the cursor position if mentioned)
skipnumberNoSpecifies how many of the returned objects in the list should be skipped.

Return type

Return typeExampleDescription
number29The count of records.
UserCountAggregateOutputType{ _all: 27, name: 10 }Returned if select is used.


Count all User records
const result = await prisma.user.count()
Count all User records with at least one published Post
const result = await prisma.user.count({
where: {
post: {
some: {
published: true,
Use select to perform three separate counts

The following query returns:

  • A count of all records (_all)
  • A count of all records with non-null name fields
  • A count of all records with non-null city fields
const c = await prisma.user.count({
select: {
_all: true,
city: true,
name: true,


See also: Aggregation, grouping, and summarizing


whereUserWhereInputNoWraps all model fields in a type so that the list can be filtered by any property.
NoLets you order the returned list by any property.
cursorUserWhereUniqueInputNoSpecifies the position for the list (the value typically specifies an id or another unique value).
takenumberNoSpecifies how many objects should be returned in the list (as seen from the beginning (positive value) or end (negative value) either of the list or from the cursor position if mentioned)
skipnumberNoSpecifies how many of the returned objects in the list should be skipped.
_counttrueNoReturns a count of matching records or non-null fields.
_avgUserAvgAggregateInputTypeNoReturns an average of all values of the specified field.
_sumUserSumAggregateInputTypeNoReturns the sum of all values of the specified field.
_minUserMinAggregateInputTypeNoReturns the smallest available value of the specified field.
_maxUserMaxAggregateInputTypeNoReturns the largest available value of the specified field.


Return _min, _max, and _count of profileViews of all User records
const minMaxAge = await prisma.user.aggregate({
_count: {
_all: true,
_max: {
profileViews: true,
_min: {
profileViews: true,
Show CLI results
Return _sum of all profileViews for all User records
const setValue = await prisma.user.aggregate({
_sum: {
profileViews: true,
Show CLI results


See also: Aggregation, grouping, and summarizing


whereUserWhereInputNoWraps all model fields in a type so that the list can be filtered by any property.
NoLets you order the returned list by any property that is also present in by.
byArray<UserScalarFieldEnum> | stringNoSpecifies the field or combination of fields to group records by.
havingUserScalarWhereWithAggregatesInputNoAllows you to filter groups by an aggregate value - for example, only return groups having an average age less than 50.
takenumberNoSpecifies how many objects should be returned in the list (as seen from the beginning (positive value) or end (negative value) either of the list or from the cursor position if mentioned)
skipnumberNoSpecifies how many of the returned objects in the list should be skipped.
_counttrue | UserCountAggregateInputTypeNoReturns a count of matching records or non-null fields.
_avgUserAvgAggregateInputTypeNoReturns an average of all values of the specified field.
_sumUserSumAggregateInputTypeNoReturns the sum of all values of the specified field.
_minUserMinAggregateInputTypeNoReturns the smallest available value of the specified field.
_maxUserMaxAggregateInputTypeNoReturns the largest available value of the specified field.


Group by country/city where the average profileViews is greater than 200, and return the _sum of profileViews for each group

The query also returns a count of _all records in each group, and all records with non-null city field values in each group.

const groupUsers = await prisma.user.groupBy({
by: ['country', 'city'],
_count: {
_all: true,
city: true,
_sum: {
profileViews: true,
orderBy: {
country: 'desc',
having: {
profileViews: {
_avg: {
gt: 200,
Show CLI results
country: 'Denmark',
city: 'Copenhagen',
_sum: { profileViews: 490 },
_count: {
_all: 70,
city: 8,
country: 'Sweden',
city: 'Stockholm',
_sum: { profileViews: 500 },
_count: {
_all: 50,
city: 3,


See: Using Raw SQL (findRaw()).


See: Using Raw SQL (aggreagateRaw()).

Model query options


select defines which fields are included in the object that Prisma Client returns. See: Select fields and include relations .



Select the name and profileViews fields of a single User record
const result = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: { id: 1 },
select: {
name: true,
profileViews: true,
Show CLI results
Select the email and role fields of a multiple User records
const result = await prisma.user.findMany({
select: {
email: true,
role: true,
Show CLI results
Select a _count of relations
const usersWithCount = await prisma.user.findMany({
select: {
_count: {
select: { posts: true },
Show CLI results
Select the 'id' and 'title' fields of related Post records
const result = await prisma.user.findMany({
select: {
id: true,
name: true,
posts: {
select: {
id: true,
title: true,
Show CLI results
include inside select
const result = await prisma.user.findMany({
select: {
id: true,
name: true,
posts: {
include: {
author: true,
Show CLI results

Generated types for select

The following example demonstrates how to use the validator with select:

const selectNameEmailNotPosts = Prisma.validator<Prisma.UserSelect>()({
name: true,
email: true,
posts: false,


include defines which relations are included in the result that Prisma Client returns. See: Select fields and include relations .



Include the posts and profile relation when loading User records
const users = await prisma.user.findMany({
include: {
posts: true, // Returns all fields for all posts
profile: true, // Returns all Profile fields
Include the posts relation on the returned objects when creating a new User record with two Post records
const user = await prisma.user.create({
data: {
email: '',
posts: {
create: [
{ title: 'This is my first post' },
{ title: 'Here comes a second post' },
include: { posts: true }, // Returns all fields for all posts

Generated types for include

The following example demonstrates how to use the validator with include:

const includePosts = Prisma.validator<Prisma.UserInclude>()({
posts: true,
Include a _count of relations
const usersWithCount = await prisma.user.findMany({
include: {
_count: {
select: { posts: true },
Show CLI results

omit (Preview)

omit defines which fields are excluded in the object that Prisma Client returns.

Because the omit option is currently in Preview, you need to enable it via the omitApi preview feature flag in your Prisma schema file:

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["omitApi"]

After adding this flag, you need to run prisma generate again to re-generate Prisma Client.


  • You cannot combine omit and select since they serve opposite purposes


Omit the password field from all User records
const result = await prisma.user.findMany({
omit: {
password: true,
Show CLI results
Omit the title fields from all User's posts relation
const results = await prisma.user.findMany({
omit: {
password: true,
include: {
posts: {
omit: {
title: true,
Show CLI results

Generated types for omit

The following example demonstrates how to use the validator with omit:

const omitPassword = Prisma.validator<Prisma.UserOmit>()({
password: true,

relationLoadStrategy (Preview)

relationLoadStrategy specifies how a relation should be loaded from the database. It has two possible values:

  • join (default): Uses a database-level LATERAL JOIN (PostgreSQL) or correlated subqueries (MySQL) and fetches all data with a single query to the database.
  • query: Sends multiple queries to the database (one per table) and joins them on the application level.

Note: Once relationLoadStrategy moves from Preview into General Availability, join will universally become the default for all relation queries.

You can learn more about join strategies here.

Because the relationLoadStrategy option is currently in Preview, you need to enable it via the relationJoins preview feature flag in your Prisma schema file:

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["relationJoins"]

After adding this flag, you need to run prisma generate again to re-generate Prisma Client. This feature is currently available on PostgreSQL, CockroachDB and MySQL.


  • In most situations, the default join strategy will be more effective. Use query if you want to save resources on your database server or if you profiling shows that the application-level join is more performant.
  • You can only specify the relationLoadStrategy on the top-level in your query. The top-level choice will affect all nested sub-queries.


Load the posts relation via a database-level JOIN when using include
const users = await prisma.user.findMany({
relationLoadStrategy: 'join',
include: {
posts: true,
Load the posts relation via a database-level JOIN when using select
const users = await prisma.user.findMany({
relationLoadStrategy: 'join',
select: {
posts: true,


where defines one or more filters, and can be used to filter on record properties (like a user's email address) or related record properties (like a user's top 10 most recent post titles).


const results = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
email: {
endsWith: '',

Generated types for where

The following examples demonstrate how to use the validator with where:

  • UserWhereInput

    // UserWhereInput
    const whereNameIs = Prisma.validator<Prisma.UserWhereInput>()({
    name: 'Rich',

    // It can be combined with conditional operators too
    const whereNameIs = Prisma.validator<Prisma.UserWhereInput>()({
    name: 'Rich',
    AND: [
    email: {
    contains: '',
  • UserWhereUniqueInput This type works by exposing any unique fields on the model. A field assigned @id is considered unique, as is one assigned @unique.

    From version 4.5.0, this type exposes all fields on the model. This means that when you filter for a single record based on a unique field, you can check additional non-unique and unique fields at the same time. Learn more.

    // UserWhereUniqueInput
    const whereEmailIsUnique = Prisma.validator<Prisma.UserWhereUniqueInput>()({
    email: '',
  • PostScalarWhereInput

    const whereScalarTitleIs = Prisma.validator<Prisma.PostScalarWhereInput>()({
    title: 'boop',
  • PostUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutAuthorInput - This type accepts a unique where field (an @id or another assigned @unique) and updates any field on the Post model except the Author. The Author is the scalar field on the Post model.

    const updatePostByIdWithoutAuthor =
    where: {
    id: 1,
    data: {
    content: 'This is some updated content',
    published: true,
    title: 'This is a new title',
  • PostUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutAuthorInput - This type will update the Post records title field where the id matches, if it doesn't exist it will create it instead.

    const updatePostTitleOrCreateIfNotExist =
    where: {
    id: 1,
    update: {
    title: 'This is a new title',
    create: {
    id: 1,
    title: 'If the title doesnt exist, then create one with this text',
  • PostUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutAuthorInput - This type will update all Post records where published is set to false.

    const publishAllPosts =
    where: {
    published: {
    equals: false,
    data: {
    published: true,


Sorts a list of records. See also: Sorting


Inputs for sort argument

ascSort ascending (A → Z)
descSort descending (Z → A)

Inputs for nulls argument


  • This argument is optional.
  • It is for use on optional scalar fields only. If you try to sort by nulls on a required or relation field, Prisma Client throws a P2009 error.
  • It is available in version 4.1.0 and later, as a preview feature. See sort with nulls first or last for details of how to enable the feature.
firstSort with null values first.
lastSort with null values last.


Sort User by email field

The following example returns all User records sorted by email ascending:

const users = await prisma.user.findMany({
orderBy: {
email: 'asc',

The following example returns all User records sorted by email descending:

const users = await prisma.user.findMany({
orderBy: {
email: 'desc',

Sort Post by the related User record's name

The following query orders posts by user name:

const posts = await{
orderBy: {
author: {
name: 'asc',

Sort Post by the related User record's name, with null records first

The following query orders posts by user name, with null records first:

const posts = await{
orderBy: {
author: {
name: { sort: 'asc', nulls: 'first' },

Sort Post by relevance of the title


This feature is available from version 3.5.0 onwards in PostgreSQL and MySQL only. You'll need to use the fullTextSearch preview flag to enable this feature.

The following query orders posts by relevance of the search term 'database' to the title:

const posts = await{
orderBy: {
_relevance: {
fields: ['title'],
search: 'database',
sort: 'asc'

Sort User by the posts count

The following query orders users by post count:

const getActiveusers = await prisma.user.findMany({
orderBy: {
posts: {
count: 'desc',
Sort User by multiple fields - email and role

The following example sorts users by two fields - first email, then role:

const users = await prisma.user.findMany({
select: {
email: true,
role: true,
orderBy: [
email: 'desc',
role: 'desc',
Show CLI results

The order of sorting parameters matters - the following query sorts by role, then email. Not the difference in the results:

const users = await prisma.user.findMany({
select: {
email: true,
role: true,
orderBy: [
role: 'desc',
email: 'desc',
Show CLI results
Sort User by email, select name and email

The following example returns all the name and email fields of all User records, sorted by email:

const users3 = await prisma.user.findMany({
orderBy: {
email: 'asc',
select: {
name: true,
email: true,
Show CLI results
Sort User records by email and sort nested Post records by title

The following example:

  • Returns all User records sorted by email
  • For each User record, returns the title field of all nested Post records sorted by title
const usersWithPosts = await prisma.user.findMany({
orderBy: {
email: 'asc',
include: {
posts: {
select: {
title: true,
orderBy: {
title: 'asc',
Show CLI results
Sort one user's nested list of Post records

The following example retrieves a single User record by ID, as well as a list of nested Post records sorted by title:

const userWithPosts = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {
id: 1,
include: {
posts: {
orderBy: {
title: 'desc',
select: {
title: true,
published: true,
Show CLI results
Sort by enum

The following sorts all User records by role (an enum):

const sort = await prisma.user.findMany({
orderBy: {
role: 'desc',
select: {
email: true,
role: true,
Show CLI results

Generated types for orderBy

The following examples demonstrate how to use the validator with orderBy:

  • UserOrderByInput
    const orderEmailsByDescending = Prisma.validator<Prisma.UserOrderByInput>()({
    email: 'desc',


Deduplicate a list of records from findMany or findFirst. See also: Aggregation, grouping, and summarizing


Select distinct on a single field

The following example returns all distinct city fields, and selects only the city and country fields:

const distinctCities = await prisma.user.findMany({
select: {
city: true,
country: true,
distinct: ['city'],
Show CLI results
{ city: 'Paris', country: 'France' },
{ city: 'Lyon', country: 'France' },
Select distinct on multiple fields

The following example returns all distinct city and country field combinations, and selects only the city and country fields:

const distinctCitiesAndCountries = await prisma.user.findMany({
select: {
city: true,
country: true,
distinct: ['city', 'country'],
Show CLI results
{ city: 'Paris', country: 'France' },
{ city: 'Paris', country: 'Denmark' },
{ city: 'Lyon', country: 'France' },

Note that there is now a "Paris, Denmark" in addition to "Paris, France":

Select distinct in combination with a filter

The following example returns all distinct city and country field combinations where the user's email contains "", and selects only the city and country fields:

const distinctCitiesAndCountries = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
email: {
contains: '',
select: {
city: true,
country: true,
distinct: ['city', 'country'],
Show CLI results

Nested queries


A nested create query adds a new related record or set of records to a parent record. See: Working with relations


  • create is available as a nested query when you create() (prisma.user.create(...)) a new parent record or update() (prisma.user.update(...)) an existing parent record.
  • You can use a nested create or a nested createMany to create multiple related records. If you require the skipDuplicates query option you should use createMany.


Create a new User record with a new Profile record
const user = await prisma.user.create({
data: {
email: '',
profile: {
create: { bio: 'Hello World' },
Create a new Profile record with a new User record
const user = await prisma.profile.create({
data: {
bio: 'Hello World',
user: {
create: { email: '' },
Create a new User record with a new Post record
const user = await prisma.user.create({
data: {
email: '',
posts: {
create: { title: 'Hello World' },
Create a new User record with two new Post records

Because it's a one-to-many relation, you can also create multiple Post records at once by passing an array to create:

const user = await prisma.user.create({
data: {
email: '',
posts: {
create: [
title: 'This is my first post',
title: 'Here comes a second post',

Note: You can also use a nested createMany to achieve the same result.

Update an existing User record by creating a new Profile record
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: { email: '' },
data: {
profile: {
create: { bio: 'Hello World' },
Update an existing User record by creating a new Post record
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: { email: '' },
data: {
posts: {
create: { title: 'Hello World' },


A nested createMany query adds a new set of records to a parent record. See: Working with relations


  • createMany is available as a nested query when you create() (prisma.user.create(...)) a new parent record or update() (prisma.user.update(...)) an existing parent record.
    • Available in the context of a one-to-many relation — for example, you can prisma.user.create(...) a user and use a nested createMany to create multiple posts (posts have one user).
    • Not available in the context of a many-to-many relation — for example, you cannot a post and use a nested createMany to create categories (many posts have many categories).
  • You cannot nest an additional create or createMany.
  • Allows setting foreign keys directly — for example, setting the categoryId on a post.
  • As of Prisma ORM version 5.12.0, nested createMany is supported by SQLite.
  • You can use a nested create or a nested createMany to create multiple related records - if you do not need the skipDuplicates query option, you should probably use create.


dataEnumerable<UserCreateManyInput>YesWraps all the model fields in a type so that they can be provided when creating new records. Fields that are marked as optional or have default values in the datamodel are optional.
skipDuplicates?booleanNoDo not insert records with unique fields or ID fields that already exist. Only supported by databases that support ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING. This excludes MongoDB and SQLServer


Update a User and multiple new related Post records
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: {
id: 9,
data: {
name: 'Elliott',
posts: {
createMany: {
data: [{ title: 'My first post' }, { title: 'My second post' }],


set overwrites the value of a relation - for example, replacing a list of Post records with a different list. See: Working with relations


Update an existing User record by disconnecting any previous Post records and connecting two other existing ones
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: { email: '' },
data: {
posts: {
set: [{ id: 32 }, { id: 42 }],


A nested connect query connects a record to an existing related record by specifying an ID or unique identifier. See: Working with relations


  • connect is available as a nested query when you create a new parent record or update an existing parent record.

  • If the related record does not exist, Prisma Client throws an exception:

    The required connected records were not found. Expected 1 records to be connected, found 0.


Create a new Profile record and connect it to an existing User record via unique field
const user = await prisma.profile.create({
data: {
bio: 'Hello World',
user: {
connect: { email: '' },
Create a new Profile record and connect it to an existing User record via an ID field
const user = await prisma.profile.create({
data: {
bio: 'Hello World',
user: {
connect: { id: 42 }, // sets userId of Profile record

In 2.11.0 and later, you can set the foreign key directly:

const user = await prisma.profile.create({
data: {
bio: 'Hello World',
userId: 42,

However, you can't use both the direct approach and the connect approach in the same query. See this issue comment for details.

Create a new Post record and connect it to an existing User record
const user = await{
data: {
title: 'Hello World',
author: {
connect: { email: '' },
Update an existing User record by connecting it to an existing Profile record
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: { email: '' },
data: {
profile: {
connect: { id: 24 },
Update an existing User record by connecting it to two existing Post records
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: { email: '' },
data: {
posts: {
connect: [{ id: 24 }, { id: 42 }],


connectOrCreate either connects a record to an existing related record by ID or unique identifier or creates a new related record if the record does not exist. See: Working with relations


  • Multiple connectOrCreate queries that run as concurrent transactions can result in a race condition. Consider the following example, where two queries attempt to connectOrCreate a blog post tag named computing at the same time (tag names must be unique):

    const createPost = await{
    data: {
    title: 'How to create a compiler',
    content: '...',
    author: {
    connect: {
    id: 9,
    tags: {
    connectOrCreate: {
    create: {
    name: 'computing',
    where: {
    name: 'computing',

    If query A and query B overlap in the following way, query A results in an exception:

    Query A (Fail ❌)Query B (Success ✅)
    Query hits server, starts transaction AQuery hits server, starts transaction B
    Find record where tagName equals computing, record not found
    Find record where tagName equals computing, record not found
    Create record where tagName equals computing and connect
    Create record where tagName equals computing
    Unique violation, record already created by transaction B

    To work around this scenario, we recommend catching the unique violation exception (PrismaClientKnownRequestError, error P2002) and retrying failed queries.


Create a new Profile record, then connect it to an existing User record or create a new User

The following example:

  1. Creates a Profile
  2. Attempts to connect the profile to a User where the email address is
  3. Creates a new user if a matching user does not exist
const user = await prisma.profile.create({
data: {
bio: 'The coolest Alice on the planet',
user: {
connectOrCreate: {
where: { email: '' },
create: { email: ''}
Create a new Post record and connect it to an existing User record, or create a new User
const user = await{
data: {
title: 'Hello World',
author: {
connectOrCreate: {
where: { email: '' },
create: { email: '' },
Update an existing User record by connecting it to an existing Profile record, or creating a new Profile record

The following example:

  1. Attempts to connect the user to a Profile with an id of 20
  2. Creates a new profile if a matching profile does not exist
const updateUser = await prisma.user.update({
where: { email: '' },
data: {
profile: {
connectOrCreate: {
where: { id: 20 },
create: {
bio: 'The coolest Alice in town',
Update an existing User record by connect it to two existing Post records, or creating two new Post records
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: { email: '' },
data: {
posts: {
connectOrCreate: [
where: { id: 32 },
create: { title: 'This is my first post' },
where: { id: 19 },
create: { title: 'This is my second post' },


A nested disconnect query breaks the connection between a parent record and a related record, but does not delete either record. See: Working with relations


  • disconnect is only available if the relation is optional.

  • If the relationship you are attempting to disconnect does not exist:

    • (In 2.21.0 and later), the operation does nothing

    • (Before 2.21.0) Prisma Client throws an exception if the provided ID or unique identifier is not connected:

      The records for relation `PostToUser` between the `User` and `Post` models are not connected.


Update an existing User record by disconnecting the Profile record it's connected to
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: { email: '' },
data: {
profile: {
disconnect: true,
Update an existing User record by disconnecting two Post records it's connected to
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: { email: '' },
data: {
posts: {
disconnect: [{ id: 44 }, { id: 46 }],


A nested update query updates one or more related records where the parent record's ID is n. See: Working with relations


  • Nested update queries are only available in the context of a top-level update query (for example, prisma.user.update(...)).

  • If the parent record does not exist, Prisma Client throws an exception:

    AssertionError("Expected a valid parent ID to be present for nested update to-one case.")
  • If the related record that you want to update does not exist, Prisma Client throws an exception:

    AssertionError("Expected a valid parent ID to be present for nested update to-one case.")


Update an existing User record by updating the Profile record it's connected to
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: { email: '' },
data: {
profile: {
update: { bio: 'Hello World' },
Update an existing User record by updating two Post records it's connected to
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: { email: '' },
data: {
posts: {
update: [
data: { published: true },
where: { id: 32 },
data: { published: true },
where: { id: 23 },



This section covers the usage of nested upsert within update(). To learn about the upsert() operation, reference the linked documentation.

A nested upsert query updates a related record if it exists, or creates a new related record.


Update an existing User record by updating the Profile record it's connected to or creating a new one (upsert)
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: { email: '' },
data: {
profile: {
upsert: {
create: { bio: 'Hello World' },
update: { bio: 'Hello World' },
Update an existing User record by updating two Post record it's connected to or creating new ones (upsert)
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: { email: '' },
data: {
posts: {
upsert: [
create: { title: 'This is my first post' },
update: { title: 'This is my first post' },
where: { id: 32 },
create: { title: 'This is my second post' },
update: { title: 'This is my second post' },
where: { id: 23 },


A nested delete query deletes a related record. The parent record is not deleted.


  • delete is only available if the relation is optional.


Update an existing User record by deleting the Profile record it's connected to
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: { email: '' },
data: {
profile: {
delete: true,
Update an existing User record by deleting two Post records it's connected to
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: { email: '' },
data: {
posts: {
delete: [{ id: 34 }, { id: 36 }],


A nested updateMany updates a list of related records and supports filtering - for example, you can update a user's unpublished posts.


Update all unpublished posts belonging to a specific user
const result = await prisma.user.update({
where: {
id: 2,
data: {
posts: {
updateMany: {
where: {
published: false,
data: {
likes: 0,


A nested deleteMany deletes related records and supports filtering. For example, you can delete a user's posts while updating other properties of that user.


Delete all posts belonging to a specific user as part of an update
const result = await prisma.user.update({
where: {
id: 2,
data: {
name: 'Updated name',
posts: {
deleteMany: {},

Filter conditions and operators



Value equals n.


Return all users where name equals "Eleanor"
const result = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
name: {
equals: 'Eleanor',

You can also exclude the equals:

const result = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
name: 'Eleanor',


Value does not equal n.


Return all users where name does not equal "Eleanor"
const result = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
name: {
not: 'Eleanor',

not will return all items that do not match a given value. However, if the column is nullable, NULL values will not be returned. If you require null values to be returned, use an OR operator to include NULL values.

Return all users where name does not equal "Eleanor" including users where name is NULL
await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
OR: [
{ name: { not: 'Eleanor' } },
{ name: null }


Value n exists in list.


null values are not returned. For example, if you combine in and NOT to return a user whose name is not in the list, users with null value names are not returned.


Get User records where the id can be found in the following list: [22, 91, 14, 2, 5]
const getUser = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
id: { in: [22, 91, 14, 2, 5] },
Get User records where the name can be found in the following list: ['Saqui', 'Clementine', 'Bob']
const getUser = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
name: { in: ['Saqui', 'Clementine', 'Bob'] },
Get User records where name is not present in the list

The following example combines in and NOT. You can also use notIn.

const getUser = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
NOT: {
name: { in: ['Saqui', 'Clementine', 'Bob'] },
Get a User record where at least one Post has at least one specified Category
const getUser = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
// Find users where..
posts: {
some: {
// least one (some) posts..
categories: {
some: {
// .. have at least one category ..
name: {
in: ['Food', 'Introductions'], // .. with a name that matches one of the following.


Value n does not exist in list.


  • null values are not returned.


Get User records where the id can not be found in the following list: [22, 91, 14, 2, 5]
const getUser = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
id: { notIn: [22, 91, 14, 2, 5] },


Value n is less than x.


Get all Post records where likes is less than 9
const getPosts = await{
where: {
likes: {
lt: 9,


Value n is less than or equal to x.


Get all Post records where likes is less or equal to 9
const getPosts = await{
where: {
likes: {
lte: 9,


Value n is greater than x.


Get all Post records where likes is greater than 9
const getPosts = await{
where: {
likes: {
gt: 9,


Value n is greater than or equal to x.


Get all Post records where likes is greater than or equal to 9
const getPosts = await{
where: {
likes: {
gte: 9,


Get all Post records where date_created is greater than March 19th, 2020
const result = await{
where: {
date_created: {
gte: new Date(
) /* Includes time offset for UTC */,


Value n contains x.


Count all Post records where content contains databases
const result = await{
where: {
content: {
contains: 'databases',
Count all Post records where content does not contain databases
const result = await{
where: {
NOT: {
content: {
contains: 'databases',

Use Full-Text Search to search within a String field.

Full-Text Search is currently in Preview and only available for PostgreSQL and MySQL. To use search, you'll need to enable the fullTextSearch preview feature.

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["fullTextSearch"]


Find all posts with a title that contains cat or dog.
const result = await{
where: {
title: {
search: 'cat | dog',
Find all posts with a title that contains cat and dog.
const result = await{
where: {
title: {
search: 'cat & dog',
Find all posts with a title that doesn't contain cat.
const result = await{
where: {
title: {
search: '!cat',



  • Supported by the PostgreSQL and MongoDB connectors only


Get all Post records where title contains prisma, in a case insensitive way
const result = await{
where: {
title: {
contains: 'prisma',
mode: 'insensitive',



Get all Post records where title starts with Pr (such as Prisma)
const result = await{
where: {
title: {
startsWith: 'Pr',


Get all User records where email ends with

const result = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
email: {
endsWith: '',


All conditions must return true. Alternatively, pass a list of objects into the where clause - the AND operator is not required.


Get all Post records where the content field contains Prisma and published is false
const result = await{
where: {
AND: [
content: {
contains: 'Prisma',
published: {
equals: false,
Get all Post records where the content field contains Prisma and published is false (no AND)

The following format returns the same results as the previous example without the AND operator:

const result = await{
where: {
content: {
contains: 'Prisma',
published: {
equals: false,
Get all Post records where the title field contains Prisma or databases, and published is false

The following example combines OR and AND:

const result = await{
where: {
OR: [
title: {
contains: 'Prisma',
title: {
contains: 'databases',
AND: {
published: false,


One or more conditions must return true.


Get all Post records where the title field contains Prisma or databases
const result = await{
where: {
OR: [
title: {
contains: 'Prisma',
title: {
contains: 'databases',
Get all Post records where the title field contains Prisma or databases, but not SQL

The following example combines OR and NOT:

const result = await{
where: {
OR: [
title: {
contains: 'Prisma',
title: {
contains: 'databases',
NOT: {
title: {
contains: 'SQL',
Get all Post records where the title field contains Prisma or databases, and published is false

The following example combines OR and AND:

const result = await{
where: {
OR: [
title: {
contains: 'Prisma',
title: {
contains: 'databases',
AND: {
published: false,


All conditions must return false.


Get all Post records where the title field contains Prisma or databases, but not SQL
const result = await{
where: {
OR: [
title: {
contains: 'Prisma',
title: {
contains: 'databases',
NOT: {
title: {
contains: 'SQL',
Get all Post records where the title field contains Prisma or databases, but not SQL, and the related User record' email address does not contain sarah
const result = await{
where: {
OR: [
title: {
contains: 'Prisma',
title: {
contains: 'databases',
NOT: {
title: {
contains: 'SQL',
user: {
NOT: {
email: {
contains: 'sarah',
include: {
user: true,

Relation filters


Returns all records where one or more ("some") related records match filtering criteria.


  • You can use some without parameters to return all records with at least one relation


Get all User records where some posts mention Prisma
const result = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
post: {
some: {
content: {
contains: "Prisma"


Returns all records where all ("every") related records match filtering criteria.


Get all User records where all posts are published
const result = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
post: {
every: {
published: true


Returns all records where zero related records match filtering criteria.



Get all User records with zero posts
const result = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
post: {
none: {} // User has no posts
Get all User records with zero published posts
const result = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
post: {
none: {
published: true


Returns all records where related record matches filtering criteria (for example, user's name is Bob).


Get all Post records where user's name is "Bob"
const result = await{
where: {
user: {
is: {
name: "Bob"


Returns all records where related record matches filtering criteria (for example, user's name isNot Bob).


Get all Post records where user's name is NOT "Bob"
const result = await{
where: {
user: {
isNot: {
name: "Bob"

Scalar list methods


Use set to overwrite the value of a scalar list field.


  • set is optional - you can set the value directly:

    tags: ['computers', 'books']


Set the value of tags to a list of string values
const setTags = await{
where: {
id: 9,
data: {
tags: {
set: ['computing', 'books'],
Set tags to a list of values without using the set keyword
const setTags = await{
where: {
id: 9,
data: {
tags: ['computing', 'books'],

Set the value of tags to a single string value

const setTags = await{
where: {
id: 9,
data: {
tags: {
set: 'computing',


push is available in version 2.20.0 and later. Use push to add one value or multiple values to a scalar list field.


  • Available for PostgreSQL and MongoDB only.
  • You can push a list of values or only a single value.


Add a computing item to the tags list
const addTag = await{
where: {
id: 9,
data: {
tags: {
push: 'computing',
const addTag = await{
where: {
id: 9,
data: {
tags: {
push: ['computing', 'genetics'],



This method is available on MongoDB only in versions 3.11.1 and later.

Use unset to unset the value of a scalar list. Unlike set: null, unset removes the list entirely.


Unset the value of tags
const setTags = await{
where: {
id: 9,
data: {
tags: {
unset: true,

Scalar list filters

Scalar list filters allow you to filter by the contents of a list / array field.


Available for:

  • PostgreSQL in versions 2.15.0 and later
  • CockroachDB in versions 3.9.0 and later
  • MongoDB in versions 3.11.0 and later


  • Scalar list / array filters ignore NULL values . Using isEmpty or NOT does not return records with NULL value lists / arrays, and { equals: null } results in an error.


The given value exists in the list.


The following query returns all Post records where the tags list includes "databases":

const posts = await{
where: {
tags: {
has: 'databases',

The following query returns all Post records where the tags list does not include "databases":

const posts = await{
where: {
NOT: {
tags: {
has: 'databases',


Every value exists in the list.


The following query returns all Post records where the tags list includes at least "databases" and "typescript":

const posts = await{
where: {
tags: {
hasEvery: ['databases', 'typescript'],


At least one value exists in the list.


The following query returns all Post records where the tags list includes "databases" or "typescript":

const posts = await{
where: {
tags: {
hasSome: ['databases', 'typescript'],


The list is empty.


The following query returns all Post records that have no tags:

const posts = await{
where: {
tags: {
isEmpty: true,



This filter is available on MongoDB only in versions 3.11.1 and later.

Filter lists to include only results that have been set (either set to a value, or explicitly set to null). Setting this filter to true will exclude undefined results that are not set at all.


The following query returns all Post records where the tags have been set to either null or a value:

const posts = await{
where: {
tags: {
isSet: true,


The list matches the given value exactly.


The following query returns all Post records where the tags list includes "databases" and "typescript" only:

const posts = await{
where: {
tags: {
equals: ['databases', 'typescript'],

Composite type methods


Available for MongoDB only in Prisma 3.10.0 and later.

Composite type methods allow you to create, update and delete composite types.


Use set to overwrite the value of a composite type.


  • The set keyword is optional - you can set the value directly:
    photos: [
    { height: 100, width: 200, url: '1.jpg' },
    { height: 100, width: 200, url: '2.jpg' },


Set the shippingAddress composite type within a new order
const order = await prisma.order.create({
data: {
// Normal relation
product: { connect: { id: 'some-object-id' } },
color: 'Red',
size: 'Large',
// Composite type
shippingAddress: {
set: {
street: '1084 Candycane Lane',
city: 'Silverlake',
zip: '84323',
Set an optional composite type to null
const order = await prisma.order.create({
data: {
// Embedded optional type, set to null
billingAddress: {
set: null,


Use unset to unset the value of a composite type. Unlike set: null, this removes the field entirely from the MongoDB document.


Remove the billingAddress from an order
const order = await prisma.order.update({
where: {
id: 'some-object-id',
data: {
billingAddress: {
// Unset the billing address
// Removes "billingAddress" field from order
unset: true,


Use update to update fields within a required composite type.


The update method cannot be used on optional types. Instead, use upsert


Update the zip field of a shippingAddress composite type
const order = await prisma.order.update({
where: {
id: 'some-object-id',
data: {
shippingAddress: {
// Update just the zip field
update: {
zip: '41232',


Use upsert to update an existing optional composite type if it exists, and otherwise set the composite type.


The upsert method cannot be used on required types. Instead, use update


Create a new billingAddress if it doesn't exist, and otherwise update it
const order = await prisma.order.update({
where: {
id: 'some-object-id',
data: {
billingAddress: {
// Create the address if it doesn't exist,
// otherwise update it
upsert: {
set: {
street: '1084 Candycane Lane',
city: 'Silverlake',
zip: '84323',
update: {
zip: '84323',


Use push to push values to the end of a list of composite types.


Add a new photo to the photos list
const product = prisma.product.update({
where: {
id: 10,
data: {
photos: {
// Push a photo to the end of the photos list
push: [{ height: 100, width: 200, url: '1.jpg' }],

Composite type filters


Available for MongoDB only in Prisma 3.11.0 and later.

Composite type filters allow you to filter the contents of composite types.


Use equals to filter results by matching a composite type or a list of composite types. Requires all required fields of the composite type to match.


When matching optional fields, you need to distinguish between undefined (missing) fields of the document, and fields that have been explicitly set to null:

  • If you omit an optional field, it will match undefined fields, but not fields that have been set to null
  • If you filter for null values of an optional field with equals: { ... exampleField: null ... }, then it will match only documents where the field has been set to null, and not undefined fields

The ordering of fields and lists matters when using equals:

  • For fields, { "a": "1", "b": "2" } and { "b": "2", "a": "1" } are not considered equal
  • For lists, [ { "a": 1 }, { "a": 2 } ] and [ { "a": 2 }, { "a": 1 } ] are not considered equal


Find orders that exactly match the given shippingAddress
const orders = await prisma.order.findMany({
where: {
shippingAddress: {
equals: {
street: '555 Candy Cane Lane',
city: 'Wonderland',
zip: '52337',
Find products with photos that match all of a list of urls
const product = prisma.product.findMany({
where: {
equals: {
photos: [{ url: '1.jpg' }, { url: '2.jpg' }],


Use is to filter results by matching specific fields within composite types.


Find orders with a shippingAddress that matches the given street name
const orders = await prisma.order.findMany({
where: {
shippingAddress: {
is: {
street: '555 Candy Cane Lane',


Use isNot to filter results for composite type fields that do not match.


Find orders with a shippingAddress that does not match the given zip code
const orders = await prisma.order.findMany({
where: {
shippingAddress: {
isNot: {
zip: '52337',


Use isEmpty to filter results for an empty list of composite types.


Find products with no photos
const product = prisma.product.findMany({
where: {
photos: {
isEmpty: true,


Use every to filter for lists of composite types where every item in the list matches the condition


Find the first product where every photo has a height of 200
const product = prisma.product.findFirst({
where: {
photos: {
every: {
{ height: 200 },


Use some to filter for lists of composite types where one or more items in the list match the condition.


Find the first product where one or more photos have a url of 2.jpg
const product = prisma.product.findFirst({
where: {
photos: {
some: {
{ url: "2.jpg" },


Use none to filter for lists of composite types where no items in the list match the condition.


Find the first product where no photos have a url of 2.jpg
const product = prisma.product.findFirst({
where: {
photos: {
none: {
{ url: "2.jpg" },

Atomic number operations

Atomic operations on update is available for number field types (Float and Int). This feature allows you to update a field based on its current value (such as subtracting or dividing) without risking a race condition.

Overview: Race conditions

A race conditions occurs when two or more operations must be done in sequence in order to complete a task. In the following example, two clients try to increase the same field (postCount) by one:

Client 1Get field value21
Client 2Get field value21
Client 2Set field value22
Client 1Set field value22

The value should be 23, but the two clients did not read and write to the postCount field in sequence. Atomic operations on update combine read and write into a single operation, which prevents a race condition:

Client 1Get and set field value2122
Client 2Get and set field value2223


incrementAdds n to the current value.
decrementSubtacts n from the current value.
multiplyMultiplies the current value by n.
divideDivides the current value by n.
setSets the current field value. Identical to { myField : n }.


  • You can only perform one atomic update per field, per query.
  • If a field is null, it will not be updated by increment, decrement, multiply, or divide.


Increment all view and likes fields of all Post records by 1

const updatePosts = await{
data: {
views: {
increment: 1,
likes: {
increment: 1,

Set all views fields of all Post records to 0

const updatePosts = await{
data: {
views: {
set: 0,

Can also be written as:

const updatePosts = await{
data: {
views: 0,

Json filters

For use cases and advanced examples, see: Working with Json fields.


Supported by PostgreSQL and MySQL with different syntaxes for the path option. PostgreSQL does not support filtering on object key values in arrays.

The examples in this section assumes that the value of the pet field is:

"favorites": {
"catBreed": "Turkish van",
"dogBreed": "Rottweiler",
"sanctuaries": ["RSPCA", "Alley Cat Allies"],
"treats": [
{ "name": "Dreamies", "manufacturer": "Mars Inc" },
{ "name": "Treatos", "manufacturer": "The Dog People" }
"fostered": {
"cats": ["Bob", "Alice", "Svetlana the Magnificent", "Queenie"]
"owned": {
"cats": ["Elliott"]



path represents the location of a specific key. The following query returns all users where the nested favourites > dogBreed key equals "Rottweiler".

const getUsers = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
pets: {
path: ['favorites', 'dogBreed'],
equals: 'Rottweiler',

The following query returns all users where the nested owned > cats array contains "Elliott".

const getUsers = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
pets: {
path: ['owned', 'cats'],
array_contains: ['Elliott'],

Filtering by the key values of objects inside an array (below) is only supported by the MySQL connector.

The following query returns all users where the nested favorites > treats array contains an object where the name value is "Dreamies":

const getUsers = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
pets: {
path: '$.favorites.treats[*].name',
array_contains: 'Dreamies',


The following query returns all users where the nested favorites > catBreed key value contains "Van":

const getUsers = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
pets: {
path: ['favorites', 'catBreed'],
string_contains: 'Van',


The following query returns all users where the nested favorites > catBreed key value starts with "Turkish":

const getUsers = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
pets: {
path: ['favorites', 'catBreed'],
string_starts_with: 'Turkish',


The following query returns all users where the nested favorites > catBreed key value ends with "Van":

const getUsers = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
pets: {
path: ['favorites', 'catBreed'],
string_ends_with: 'Van',


The following query returns all users where the sanctuaries array contains the value "RSPCA":

const getUsers = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
pets: {
path: ['sanctuaries'],
array_contains: ['RSPCA'],

Note: In PostgreSQL, the value of array_contains must be an array and not a string, even if the array only contains a single value.

The following query returns all users where the sanctuaries array contains all the values in the given array:

const getUsers = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
pets: {
path: ['sanctuaries'],
array_contains: ['RSPCA', 'Alley Cat Allies'],


The following query returns all users where the sanctuaries array starts with the value "RSPCA":

const getUsers = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
pets: {
path: ['sanctuaries'],
array_starts_with: 'RSPCA',


The following query returns all users where the sanctuaries array ends with the value "Alley Cat Allies":

const getUsers = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
pets: {
path: ['sanctuaries'],
array_ends_with: 'Alley Cat Allies',

Client methods

Note: Client-level methods are prefixed by $.


  • $on and $use client methods do not exist on extended client instances which are extended using $extends

In extended clients, Client methods do not necessarily exist. If you are extending your client, make sure to check for existence before using Client methods like $transaction or $connect.

In addition, if you are using $on or $use, you will need to use these client methods before extending your client as these methods do not exist on extended clients. For $use specifically we recommend transitioning to use query extensions.


The $disconnect() method closes the database connections that were established when $connect was called and stops the process that was running Prisma ORM's query engine. See Connection management for an overview of $connect() and $disconnect().


  • $disconnect() returns a Promise, so you should call it inside an async function with the await keyword.


The $connect() method establishes a physical connection to the database via Prisma ORM's query engine. See Connection management for an overview of $connect() and $disconnect().


  • $connect() returns a Promise, so you should call it inside an async function with the await keyword.



$on is not available in extended clients. Please either migrate to client extensions or use the $on method prior to extending your client.

The $on() method allows you to subscribe to logging events or the exit hook.



$use is not available in extended clients. Please either migrate to query extensions or use the $use method prior to extending your client.

The $use() method adds middleware :

prisma.$use(async (params, next) => {
console.log('This is middleware!')
// Modify or interrogate params here

return next(params)


next represents the "next level" in the middleware stack, which could be the next middleware or the Prisma Query, depending on where in the stack you are.


params is an object with information to use in your middleware.

actionThe query type - for example, create or findMany.
argsArguments that were passed into the query - for example, where, data, or orderBy
dataPathPopulated if you use the fluent API.
modelThe model type - for example, Post or User.
runInTransactionReturns true if the query ran in the context of a transaction.

If you need the model property as a string, use: String(params.model)

Example parameter values:

args: { where: { id: 15 } },
dataPath: [ 'select', 'author', 'select', 'posts' ],
runInTransaction: false,
action: 'findMany',
model: 'Post'


See middleware examples.


See: Using Raw SQL ($queryRawTyped).


See: Using Raw SQL ($queryRaw).


See: Using Raw SQL ($queryRawUnsafe()).


See: Using Raw SQL ($executeRaw).


See: Using Raw SQL ($executeRawUnsafe()).


See: Using Raw SQL ($runCommandRaw()).


See: Transactions.


Prisma Client metrics give you a detailed insight into how Prisma Client interacts with your database. You can use this insight to help diagnose performance issues with your application. Learn more: Metrics.

Prisma Client metrics has the following methods:


With $extends, you can create and use Prisma Client extensions to add functionality to Prisma Client in the following ways:

  • model: add custom methods to your models
  • client: add custom methods to your client
  • query: create custom Prisma Client queries
  • result: add custom fields to your query results

Learn more: Prisma Client extensions.

Utility types

Utility types are helper functions and types that live on the Prisma namespace. They are useful for keeping your application type safe.


The validator helps you create re-usable query parameters based on your schema models while making sure that the objects you create are valid. See also: Using Prisma.validator

There are two ways you can use the validator:

Using generated Prisma Client types

Using types provides a type-level approach to validate data:

Prisma.validator<GeneratedType>({ args })

Using a "selector"

When using the selector pattern, you use an existing Prisma Client instance to create a validator. This pattern allows you to select the model, operation, and query option to validate against.

You can also use an instance of Prisma Client that has been extended using a Prisma Client extension.

'<query option>'
)({ args })


The following example shows how you can extract and validate the input for the create operation you can reuse within your app:

import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client'

const validateUserAndPostInput = (name, email, postTitle) => {
return Prisma.validator<Prisma.UserCreateInput>()({
posts: {
create: {
title: postTitle,

Here is an alternative syntax for the same operation:

import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client'
import prisma from './prisma'

const validateUserAndPostInput = (name, email, postTitle) => {
return Prisma.validator(
posts: {
create: {
title: postTitle,

Compare columns in the same table

You can compare columns in the same table directly, for non-unique filters.

This feature was moved to general availability in version 5.0.0 and was available via the fieldReference Preview feature from Prisma ORM versions 4.3.0 to 4.16.2.


In the following situations, you must use raw queries to compare columns in the same table:

  • If you use a version earlier than 4.3.0
  • If you want to use a unique filter, such as findUnique or findUniqueOrThrow
  • If you want to compare a field with a unique constraint
  • If you want to use one of the following operators to compare a JSON field in MySQL or MariaDB with another field: gt, gte, lt, or lte. Note that you can use these operators to compare the JSON field with a scalar value. This limitation applies only if you try to compare a JSON field with another field.

To compare columns in the same table, use the <model>.fields property. In the following example, the query returns all records where the value in the prisma.product.quantity field is less than or equal to the value in the prisma.product.warnQuantity field.

where: { quantity: { lte: prisma.product.fields.warnQuantity } },

fields is a special property of every model. It contains the list of fields for that model.


Fields must be of the same type

You can only make comparisons on fields of the same type. For example, the following causes an error:

await prisma.order.findMany({
where: {
id: { equals: prisma.order.fields.due },
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// Type error: id is a string, while amountDue is an integer

Fields must be in the same model

You can only make comparisons with the fields property on fields in the same model. The following example does not work:

await prisma.order.findMany({
where: {
id: { equals: },
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// Type error: name is a field on the User model, not Order

However, you can compare fields in separate models with standard queries.

In groupBy model queries, put your referenced fields in the by argument

If you use the groupBy model query with the having option, then you must put your referenced fields in the by argument.

The following example works:

by: ['id', 'name'],
having: { id: { equals: } },

The following example does not work, because name is not in the by argument:

by: ['id'],
having: { id: { equals: } },
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// name is not in the 'by' argument

Search for fields in scalar lists

If your data source supports scalar lists (for example in PostgreSQL), then you can search for all records where a specific field is in a list of fields. To do so, reference the scalar list with the in and notIn filters. For example:

await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
// find all users where 'name' is in a list of tags
name: { in: prisma.user.fields.tags },

Filter on non-unique fields with UserWhereUniqueInput

From version 5.0.0, the generated type UserWhereUniqueInput on where exposes all fields on the model, not just unique fields. This was available under the extendedWhereUnique Preview flag between versions 4.5.0 to 4.16.2

You must specify at least one unique field in your where statement outside of boolean operators, and you can specify any number of additional unique and non-unique fields. You can use this to add filters to any operation that returns a single record. For example, you can use this feature for the following:

From version 4.6.0, you can use this feature to filter on optional one-to-one nested reads.

Optimistic concurrency control on updates

You can filter on non-unique fields to perform optimistic concurrency control on update operations.

To perform optimistic concurrency control, we recommend that you use a version field to check whether the data in a record or related record has changed while your code executes. Before version 4.5.0, you could not evaluate the version field in an update operation, because the field is non-unique. From version 4.5.0, you can evaluate the version field.

In the following example, updateOne and updateTwo first read the same record and then attempt to update it. The database only executes these updates if the value in version is the same as the value when it did the initial read. When the database executes the first of these updates (which might be updateOne or updateTwo, depending on timing), it increments the value in version. This means that the database does not execute the second update because the value in version has changed.

model User {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
email String @unique
city String
version Int
function updateOne() {
const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ id: 1 })

await prisma.user.update({
where: { id:, version: user.version },
data: { city: 'Berlin', version: { increment: 1 } },

function updateTwo() {
const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ id: 1 })

await prisma.user.update({
where: { id:, version: user.version },
data: { city: 'New York', version: { increment: 1 } },

function main() {
await Promise.allSettled([updateOne(), updateTwo()])

Permission checks

You can filter on non-unique fields to check permissions during an update.

In the following example, a user wants to update a post title. The where statement checks the value in authorId to confirm that the user is the author of the post. The application only updates the post title if the user is the post author.

where: { id: 1, authorId: 1 },
data: { title: 'Updated post title' },

Soft deletes

You can filter on non-unique fields to handle soft deletes.

In the following example, we do not want to return a post if it is soft-deleted. The operation only returns the post if the value in isDeleted is false.

prisma.Post.findUnique({ where: { id: postId, isDeleted: false } })

UserWhereUniqueInput considerations

Boolean operators with UserWhereUniqueInput

With UserWhereUniqueInput, you must specify at least one unique field outside of the boolean operators AND, OR, NOT. You can still use these boolean operators in conjunction with any other unique fields or non-unique fields in your filter.

In the following example, we test id, a unique field, in conjunction with email. This is valid.

await prisma.user.update({
where: { id: 1, OR: [{ email: "" }, { email: "" }] },
// ^^^ Valid: the expression specifies a unique field (`id`) outside of any boolean operators
data: { ... }

// SQL equivalent:
// WHERE id = 1 AND (email = "" OR email = "")

The following example is not valid, because there is no unique field outside of any boolean operators:

await prisma.user.update({
where: { OR: [{ email: "" }, { email: "" }] },
// ^^^ Invalid: the expressions does not contain a unique field outside of boolean operators
data: { ... }

One-to-one relations

From version 4.5.0, you can filter on non-unique fields in the following operations on one-to-one relations:

  • Nested update
  • Nested upsert
  • Nested disconnect
  • Nested delete

Prisma Client automatically uses a unique filter to select the appropriate related record. As a result, you do not need to specify a unique filter in your where statement with a WhereUniqueInput generated type. Instead, the where statement has a WhereInput generated type. You can use this to filter without the restrictions of WhereUniqueInput.

Nested update example
await prisma.user.update({
where: { id: 1, },
data: {
to_one: {
// Before Prisma version 4.5.0
update: { field: "updated" }
// From Prisma version 4.5.0, you can also do the following:
update: { where: { /*WhereInput*/ }, data: { field: "updated" } } }
Nested upsert example
await prisma.user.update({
where: { id: 1, },
data: {
to_one: {
upsert: {
where: { /* WhereInput */ } // new argument from Prisma 4.5.0
create: { /* CreateInput */ },
update: { /* CreateInput */ },
Nested disconnect example
await prisma.user.update({
where: { id: 1, },
data: {
to_one: {
// Before Prisma version 4.5.0
disconnect: true
// From Prisma version 4.5.0, you can also do the following:
disconnect: { /* WhereInput */ }
Nested delete example
await prisma.user.update({
where: { id: 1, },
data: {
to_one: {
// Before Prisma version 4.5.0
delete: true
// From Prisma version 4.5.0, you can also do the following:
delete: { /* WhereInput */ }

PrismaPromise behavior

All Prisma Client queries return an instance of PrismaPromise. This is a "thenable", meaning a PrismaPromise only executes when you call await or .then() or .catch(). This behavior is different from a regular JavaScript Promise, which starts executing immediately.

For example:

const findPostOperation ={}) // Query not yet executed

findPostOperation.then() // Prisma Client now executes the query
// or
await findPostOperation // Prisma Client now executes the query

When using the $transaction API, this behavior makes it possible for Prisma Client to pass all the queries on to the query engine as a single transaction.