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API Reference

The Accelerate API reference documentation is based on the following schema:

model User {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
name String?
email String @unique

All example are based on the User model.


With the Accelerate extension for Prisma Client, you can use the cacheStrategy parameter for model queries and use the ttl and swr parameters to define a cache strategy for Accelerate. The Accelerate extension requires that you install Prisma Client version 4.10.0.


The cacheStrategy parameter takes an option with the following keys:

swr60IntNoThe stale-while-revalidate time in seconds.
ttl60IntNoThe time-to-live time in seconds.
tags["user"]String[]NoThe tag serves as a variable to control the invalidation of specific queries within your application. It is an optional array of strings to invalidate the cache, with each tag containing only alphanumeric characters and underscores, and a maximum length of 64 characters.


Add a caching strategy to the query, defining a 60-second stale-while-revalidate (SWR) value, a 60-second time-to-live (TTL) value, and a cache tag of "emails_with_alice":

await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
email: {
contains: "",
cacheStrategy: {
swr: 60,
ttl: 60,
tags: ["emails_with_alice"],

Supported Prisma Client operations

The following is a list of all read query operations that support cacheStrategy:


The cacheStrategy parameter is not supported on any write operations, such as create().


Any query that supports the cacheStrategy can append withAccelerateInfo() to wrap the response data and include additional information about the Accelerate response.

To retrieve the status of the response, use:

const { data, info } = await prisma.user
cacheStrategy: { ttl: 60, swr: 600 },
where: { myField: 'value' },


Notice the info property of the response object. This is where the request information is stored.

Return type

The info object is of type AccelerateInfo and follows the interface below:

interface AccelerateInfo {
cacheStatus: 'ttl' | 'swr' | 'miss' | 'none'
lastModified: Date
region: string
requestId: string
signature: string
cacheStatus"ttl" | "swr" | "miss" | "none" The cache status of the response.
  • ttl indicates a cache hit within the ttl duration and no database query was executed
  • swr indicates a cache hit within the swr duration and the data is being refreshed by Accelerate in the background
  • miss indicates that both ttl and swr have expired and the database query was executed by the request
  • none indicates that no cache strategy was specified and the database query was executed by the request
lastModifiedDateThe date the response was last refreshed.
regionStringThe data center region that received the request.
requestIdStringUnique identifier of the request. Useful for troubleshooting.
signatureStringThe unique signature of the Prisma operation.


You can invalidate the cache using the $accelerate.invalidate API.


To invalidate cached query results on-demand, a paid plan is required. Each plan has specific limits on the number of cache tag-based invalidations allowed per day, though there are no limits on calling the $accelerate.invalidate API itself. See our pricing for more details.


To invalidate the query below:

await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
email: {
contains: "",
cacheStrategy: {
swr: 60,
ttl: 60,
tags: ["emails_with_alice"],

You need to provide the cache tag in the $accelerate.invalidate API:

try {
await prisma.$accelerate.invalidate({
tags: ["emails_with_alice"],
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Prisma.PrismaClientKnownRequestError) {
// The .code property can be accessed in a type-safe manner
if (e.code === "P6003") {
"The cache invalidation rate limit has been reached. Please try again later."
throw e;

You can invalidate up to 5 tags per call.


Prisma Accelerate-related errors start with P6xxx.

You can find the full error code reference for Prisma Accelerate here.