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Next steps

This section lists a number of potential next steps you can now take from here. Feel free to explore these or read the Introduction page to get a high-level overview of Prisma ORM.

Continue exploring the Prisma Client API

You can send a variety of queries with the Prisma Client API. Check out the API reference and use your existing database setup from this guide to try them out.


You can use your editor's auto-completion feature to learn about the different API calls and the arguments it takes. Auto-completion is commonly invoked by hitting CTRL+SPACE on your keyboard.

Expand for more Prisma Client API examples

Here are a few suggestions for a number of more queries you can send with Prisma Client:

Filter all Post records that contain "hello"

const filteredPosts = await{
where: {
OR: [{ title: { contains: 'hello' } }, { body: { contains: 'hello' } }],

Create a new Post record and connect it to an existing User record

const post = await{
data: {
title: 'Join us for Prisma Day 2020',
slug: 'prisma-day-2020',
body: 'A conference on modern application development and databases.',
user: {
connect: { email: '' },

Use the fluent relations API to retrieve the Post records of a User by traversing the relations

const user = await prisma.comment
where: { id: '60ff4e9500acc65700ebf470' },

Delete a User record

const deletedUser = await prisma.user.delete({
where: { email: '' },

Build an app with Prisma ORM

The Prisma blog features comprehensive tutorials about Prisma ORM, check out our latest ones:

Explore the data in Prisma Studio

Prisma Studio is a visual editor for the data in your database. Run npx prisma studio in your terminal.

Try a Prisma ORM example

The prisma-examples repository contains a number of ready-to-run examples:

nextjsFullstackSimple Next.js app
nextjs-graphqlFullstackSimple Next.js app (React) with a GraphQL API
graphql-nexusBackend onlyGraphQL server based on @apollo/server
expressBackend onlySimple REST API with Express.JS
grpcBackend onlySimple gRPC API